Medical Fraud & Abuse (FACIS)

Ensuring compliance with healthcare laws and regulations

When a potential employee is hired who possesses a history of medical fraud and abuse, the cost to an employer can be overwhelming.

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Product Descriptions

Medical fraud and abuse costs everyone in the form of higher premiums, more out-of-pocket costs, and reduced health plan benefits. Our medical fraud and abuse employment search can protect an organization by uncovering a candidate who has received disciplinary actions resulting from certain unethical or illegal acts. The search contains information on medical professionals who have received disciplinary actions, including: 

  • Exclusions
  • Debarments
  • Probations
  • Letters of reprimand
  • License terminations

The search covers more than 800 sources including the OIG (Office of Inspector General), GSA (General Services Administration), FDA (Food and Drug Administration), DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency), and licensing boards in all 50 states.

“We value our partnership with IntelliCorp and are confident that our background screening process is thorough, accurate and helpful in keeping our organization safe and secure. ”

-- Allan G. | Human Resources Manager



Whether you are bringing on a volunteer, hiring someone into a large enterprise or a small business, it is important to know who you are hiring.

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In addition to all the traditional hiring concerns that affect all companies, healthcare organization face additional scrutiny and regulation.

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Because you want to protect your property and investment, these packages look into your prospective tenant’s past rental and financial history.

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